Indra Gidwani of Education World talks to Yash Kadakia, CTO Of Security Brigade to understand the growing careers opportunities in the information security industry.

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Hindustan Times: Tech That

Nazim Khan of Hindustan Times spends a day in the life of Yash Kadakia, CTO of Security Brigade and profiles his introduction to and growth in the information security industry.

Read Article › Researcher Publishes Flaws on Amazon

The SB team reported several critical security flaws in Microsoft and Amazon websites. With responsible disclosure, we were able to help protect their millions of users from potential threats.

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Types of Security Audits – Black Box, White Box and Grey Box

Understand the different approaches to Security Audits along with the advantages, approach and benefits of each of the Types of Security Audits including Black Box Audit, White Box Audit and Grey Box Audit.

Business Standard: The rise of cyber security professionals

Business Standard interviews Yash Kadakia of Security Brigade to understand the growing cyber threats facing both corporates and home users today.

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Sify Finance: The rise and rise of cyber security professionals

Sify Finance interviews Yash Kadakia of Security Brigade to discuss growing trends of cyber attacks against home and corporate users in India.