The SB team reported several critical security flaws in Microsoft and Amazon websites. With responsible disclosure, we were able to help protect their millions of users from potential threats.

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Hindustan Times: Byte that

Nikhil Taneja of Hindustan Times profiles Yash Kadakia, CTO of Security Brigade along with his accomplishments and achivements in growing Security Brigade to its current position.

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Web Application Penetration Testing

Web Application Penetration Testing provides comprehensive security coverage for your web-applications, the underlying web-services and the core business logic that powers the websites.

Network World: Researcher Publishes Flaws on MSN

The SB team reported several critical security flaws in Microsoft and Amazon websites. With responsible disclosure, we were able to help protect their millions of users from potential threats.

Read Article › How to secure your wireless network

In the face of growing abuse, Yash Kadakia of Security Brigade helps readers secure their wireless networks and protect themselves from attackers.

Read Article › Researcher Publishes Flaws on Amazon

CTO of Security Brigade, Yash Kadakia helps readers of understand and face the latest cyber threats used by criminals such as viruses, phishing, malware, exploits, etc.

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